New Fragonard Reve de Provence Diffuser

Close your eyes and let yourself be enchanted by lavender fileds. The Rêve de Provence diffuser has magical properties... Its natural composition is based on lavender essential oils.
Composed of beautiful Lavandin oil and alcohol to increase the scent strength, this natural fragrance is beautiful for the summertime with its scent that is reminiscent of a summers afternoon in the south of France.
Fragonard Parfumeur Reve de Provence Diffuser 250ml
Fragonard Parfumeur Reve de Provence Diffuser 250ml
Fragonard Parfumeur Reve de Provence Diffuser 250ml
Fragonard Parfumeur Reve de Provence Diffuser 250ml

Fragonard Parfumeur Reve de Provence Diffuser 250ml


The stunning lavender fields of Provence

Located in the southeast of France along the Mediterranean, Provence is renowned for its gorgeous rows of lavender which bloom from mid-June to mid-August during the warm summer months. The first region to bloom is usually Valensole as the lower altitude means the lavender fields in this area will bloom at the start of the season in the middle of June until early July. Generally, the warmer it is the earlier the lavender blooms with cooler conditions and rain in late spring often delaying the blossoming. After falling in love with the divine fragrance of lavender, the perfume makers of Grasse adopted this alluring flower into their repertoire, with lavender becoming a staple of perfume making from the early 20th century and onwards.
Lavandin is a naturally occurring hybrid between true or fine lavender and aspic lavender know scientifically as lavandula intermedia. Lavandin is easier to grow especially in larger quantities and has a distinct appearance with 3 stems and a deep purple colour. Due to its high camphor content, Lavandin tends to be stronger in fragrance with a sharper scent making it perfect for use in home fragrances.
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